Diabetes and Your Diet

The Basics of a Healthy Diabetes Diet


Contrary to what you may have heard, there is no “diabetes diet,” per se — and that’s good news! The foods recommended for adiabetes diet to control blood glucose (or blood sugar) are good for those with diabetes — and everyone else. This means that you and your family can eat the same healthy foods at mealtime. However, for people with diabetes, the total amounts of carbohydrates consumed each day must be monitored carefully. 

The Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet – Plan, Phase 1,2,3,4, Food List and Side Effects »

A phenomenal change took place in the year 1972 in the history of medical science with the introduction of an innovative dietary regime which put forth a new kind of dietary practice that was basically meant to curb the consumption of carbohydrate in order to lose weight without curtailing on the intake of food of a high calorific value. The credit for developing such a unique diet goes to 

The Raw Food Diet

Losing Weight With A Raw Food Diet

A raw food diet or natural, uncooked diet is a novel plan that can help you to lose weight faster in a healthy and natural way.  This diet plan, which stresses whole food and grains in the uncooked form, also encourages the use of organic and fully vegetarian meal-plans.

Before you start on this diet, remember that your menu is mainly restricted to uncooked fruits and vegetables, fresh juices, dried fruit, water, seaweed, grains, nuts, 

The Okinawa Diet

The Okinawa Diet Food Pyramid

A Guide to Daily Food Choices

The Okinawa-Diet food guide pyramid emphasizes eating healthy fat, calcium, 

The Mediterranean Diet

The Many Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet


If eating and living healthier is one of your goals, then consider a Mediterranean diet and eating more like the Italians. A Mediterranean diet has many significant health benefits, while not

The Vital Diet Plan

The Vital Diet Plan

Named for it’s importance, originality, and therapeutic value, the Vital Diet Plan is not a diet as in the commonly recognized way; as a temporary ordeal. It is a lifestyle; a dietary plan. It was created in combination with the nutritional experts at Nutri Spec and other researchers as well as the famous